Salt Therapy, or Halotherapy, is a holistic method that reproduces the microclimate naturally found in salt caves by dispensing steady concentrations of dry salt aerosol into a room.
Halotherapy is a natural, safe and drug-free method of relief for respiratory diseases. It can be used as a complementary alternative method along with prescribed medications or entirely by itself. It may increase the effectiveness of prescribed medications, and decrease the amount prescribed.
If you have a sore throat, don’t you gargle with warm salt water? Don’t you use saline for a dry nose?
Salt is naturally an anti-inflammatory substance. It helps reduce inflammation of the respiratory system and strengthens the immune system. It supports the respiratory system by liquefying the mucus for easier discharge.
Salt Therapy is a mode of therapy held in a controlled air medium which stimulates a natural salt cave microclimate. The main factor is the dry sodium chloride (salt) aerosol with particles of 1-5 microns in size that are dispersed into the room. These particles penetrate deep into the smallest of airways. When these particles are inhaled, it helps to reduce inflammation in the airways, opens constricted airways and increases the clearance of mucus.
Sodium chloride aerosol causes bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects on the respiratory airways’ microflora and prevents the development of inflammatory processes (Simyonka, 1989, Rein & Mandell, 1973).
The intensity of this action depends on the concentration of the aerosol that causes dehydration of microbial cells and the impairment of the structure of the cells killing the microorganisms. The specificity of this method is the low concentration and gradual administration of dry sodium chloride aerosol. Ideally, the treatment in a salt room or cave, is daily exposure for the duration of 45 minutes to 1 hour to be used as needed for your condition.
Salt consumption during the procedure depends upon the regime chosen and is about 1-9mg. Daily average human salt requirement is 2,000mg. Salt rooms, naturally create negative ions (like being at the seashore). Negative ions contribute to a feeling of well-being and promotes stress reduction. It has a healing effects and also its resonant vibration that activates our self-healing and self-regulating powers. Salt can bring our bodies back to its original, balanced state.
Salt Therapy originated in the salt caves and mines in Europe. A Polish physician, Felix Boczkovski, discovered the health benefits of the microclimate of natural caves and mines in 1843. Dr. Boczkovski noticed that the miners did not suffer from lung diseases like the miners of other types of caves.
This therapy is popular in Europe and is gaining popularity in the United States. In the 1980s, artificial salt caves were developed by lining walls with salt blocks. Scientists realized that the main curative factor is dry salt aerosol 1-5 microns in size in combination with stable humidity and temperature levels.
Halogenerators were developed in the early 1990s and disperse dry salt particles into specifically designed rooms that replicate the microclimate of natural salt caves.
Dry salt therapy is a natural and holistic treatment for adults and children that has been known to aid in detoxifying the respiratory system, healing skin conditions, promoting better breathing, increasing sounder sleep, and achieving overall wellness. It reproduces the microclimate naturally found in salt caves by dispensing high concentrations of dry salt aerosol into a room.
Salt aerosol inhalation and the use of saline solutions are not new or foreign ideas – doctors have been using saline in mainstream medicine for a long time to help relieve respiratory conditions, sinusitis problems, and allergy symptoms.
Himalayan salt rooms are as tranquil as they are therapeutic. During your 45-minute session, the soothing atmosphere will envelop you, while the salty air will administer its natural healing with each deep cleansing breath. Salt is naturally anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal and has been used for thousands of years therapeutically.
Halotherapy treatments help to treat all four major factors that cause respiratory symptoms: inflammation, bacterial infections, excessive mucus, spasm (bronchospasm), and hyperactivity. In most patients, after the course of Halotherapy, the clinical condition improves and symptoms disappear or significantly ease.
Understand that Salt Therapy should not be construed as a substitute for medical examination, diagnosis, or treatment and that you should see a physician or other qualified medical specialist for any mental or physical ailment of which you are aware.
Salt Therapy should not be performed under certain medical conditions. Accurately state all known medical conditions and answer all questions before your sessions honestly.
Please keep your practitioner updated as to any changes in your medical profile and understand that there shall be no liability on the practitioner’s part should you fail to do so.
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
All sessions are 45 minutes long and begin on the hour, every hour.
You may experience a mild salt taste on your lips, similar to being near an ocean. Others may experience a mild throat tickle, which can be treated by sipping water after the session. Most people will experience increased mucus production. You may have a runny nose or a productive cough after the session. This is the body’s natural way for eliminating toxins, pollens, and viruses, as the Dry Salt Aerosol in a natural expectorant.
If you have ever smoked, you may experience a period of cough and mucus production as your body naturally clears the lungs of residual toxins. Most asthmatics will also experience an initial period of increased mucus production and cough as the body decreases inflammation, opens airways, and expels the stagnant mucus.
The Salt Cave was designed to help you relax in an aesthetically appealing environment with soft lighting from the Himalayan Salt, peaceful music, and comfortable Zero Gravity lounge chairs. You are encouraged to rest, relax, meditate, and be silent with your thoughts.
Please leave all electronics (phones, smart watches, etc.) outside of the salt cave so you may fully enjoy the peacefulness.
We recommend to arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment. This will allow you time to complete any paperwork, visit the restroom, and stow personal items. This early arrival will ensure an uninterrupted session the Salt Cave.
Arriving promptly for your session is extremely important, as once the session has begun, out of respect for those already enjoying the effects, we do not interrupt the session that has started. If you cannot arrive on time, we will reschedule you for the next available opening.
We recommend to wear comfortable clothing that allows you to relax and be at ease. The Salt Cave maintains a temperature of 68-70 degrees F and 30-50% humidity. Clean, white socks must also be worn during your salt cave session.
Please leave all electronics (phones, smart watches, etc.) outside of the salt cave so you may fully enjoy the peacefulness.
No food, drinks, or liquid of any kind is permitted in the Salt Cave.
Everyone can benefit to Halotherapy thanks to salt's homeopathic mood and immune enhancing effects. More specifically, Salt/Halotherapy can be a great benefit to those who suffer from the following conditions: Allergies, Asthma, Acne, Immune System Deficiencies, Respiratory Conditions, Bronchitis, Cystic Fibrosis, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cold and Flu, Cough, Infections, Eczema, Emphysema, Nasal Congestion, Psoriasis, Sinus Infections, Snoring, Sore Throat, and others.
We recommend that you consult with your doctor/physician if you have concerns before starting Halotherapy. People not advised to do Salt/Halotherapy are those with: Infections accompanied by fever, active tuberculosis, bleeding, spitting of blood, alcohol and drug intoxication.
For acute symptoms such as allergies, hay fever, sinus infections, and asthma; 1-3 visits should alleviate the majority of symptoms. For more chronic issues like COPD, chronic sinus infections or chronic asthma; weekly sessions are suggested.
Salt Therapy is a natural, safe and drug free homeopathic treatment, providing effective relief to many symptoms.
No, breathing the salt air is not equivalent to eating salt. You will only be breathing the salt which is far less than th amount of salt put on your food each day.
Salt concentration in human blood is 0.9% by volume. This presence of saline inhibits many potentially dangerous infections. According to recent literature, the amount of salt inhaled during a 45-minute Salt Therapy session is considerably less than the 2,000mg recommended daily intake of salt. Salt consumption during a Salt Therapy session is 1-9mg. Much of the salt inhaled during a session is removed from the lungs by breathing and excreting mucus.
We believe it does! Salt Therapy is becoming more widely known due to the health benefits surrounding it. There are currently a little over 200 of these rooms throughout the United States and Canada which is up from only about a dozen in 2010. It is becoming known that salt/halotherapy can provide many health benefits including relief from the common cold to lower instances of chronic ailments such as chronic pharyngitis or relapsing pneumonia. It has also been shown to provide relief for COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and Cystic Fibrosis sufferers. Michelle Miller from CBS This Morning provided a report on what some doctors have to say about using halotherapy, but the results from those that have used salt therapy speak for themselves. We invite you to see what your own results can be!
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The Salt Cave & Wellness Spa
8241 Wicker Avenue | Saint John, IN | 219-365-2283
Website by Beth Steffens Consulting
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